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Do's and Dont's Before & After your services

Wax Removal


Sugaring Before & Aftercare is important in keeping your skin smooth and not irritated in between your sugaring appointments. Follow these simple Do's and Dont's , to be successful. 

The DO'S:

HYDRATION: Hydrate daily, make sure you're drinking lots of water; the more water you drink, the more plump your skin will be and the easier it is for your body hair to just pop through. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, hydration is one of the main key factors in preventing those pesky hair from turning in and causing a ingrown bump to appear.

ROUTINE: Keep your sugaring sessions 4- 6 weeks apart if you want to see hair reduction over time. 

EXFOLIATION: Start exfoliating your skin 48 hours after your treatment in order to remove dead skin cells, as these can block the route for new hair to come through and cause ingrown hairs. Gentle exfoliation 2-3TIMES a week, with your choice of exfoliation. 

COMFY CLOTHES: If your treatment was a bikini sugaring service, in the 24 hours post treatment avoid wearing lace underwear or underwear that’s too tight – now’s the time to let your comfy cotton undies shine!

SENSITIVITY: If you tend be sensitive take an ibuprofen or any other pain reducer 45 mins to an hour before your appointment. 


CAFFEINE: no caffeine 24 hours before you appointment. It will make you extremely sensitive. 

SWEATING: Reframe from over excessive sweating or physical activity for at least 24 hours after your appointment. 

No pool, bath . swimming . sauna or hot tub for 24 hours after your sugaring. 

Smooth Shiny Skin



PREPARE: Come in make up free, with a clean washed face before you facial 

INFORM: Make your esthetician aware of any medication or products you are using or taking before your facial . 

AFTERCARE: Make sure you wear sun screen at least spf 30 and keep your regimen simple for the first 72 hours after your facial. 


INJECTIONS: Before or after your facial injections need to spaced out for at leat 3-4 weeks prior or after. 

TOUCH: Do not touch or pick at your skin before or after your appointment. 

OVER EXFOLIATE: Do not exfoliate the skin more then 2-3 times a week. 

RETINOIDS: Avoid them for at least7-10 days before and after your appointment

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